Covid News here
Statement from our Musical Director
Egremont Town Band rehearsals will start again on Monday 17th May.
ETB Junior Band will start at 6:30 pm. Senior band players should not attend ETB Junior Band rehearsal unless Stuart contacts you directly.
ETB Senior Band starts at 7:20 PM. Players must not enter the hall until Stuart indicates that the Junior Players have left the hall. Only then can the senior players go in following Social Distancing guidelines at all times.
I have attached an information sheet with further instructions which should ensure that we are compliant with the associated COVID Risk Assessment.
Before Mondays rehearsal could I ask all of you to ensure your instrument is in full working order and if possible cleaned.
We will be using the pink hymn books and the Music for all occasions collection of 50 pieces so please ensure you bring those as a minimum.
The room will have chairs already in position. Seated as before middle brass and bass to the right, horns section facing the entrance and cornet section to the left as you enter.
I have also attached the event list for this year. Obviously many events are yet to be confirmed but at least you can try to keep the dates free.
All being well, see you Monday
Guidelines for returning to Band Rehearsals - May 2021
Returning to Band Rehearsal
All band members will follow the COVID-secure guidelines provided by the venue.
All activity must have a risk assessment in place to ensure COVID-secure guidelines are followed. Copies can be sent to you on request. Key information from the Risk Assessment is included in this note.
It is best practice not to mix groups of players between different bands if this is feasible but there is no legislation preventing a member playing with another group. Spaces should be sufficiently ventilated, and leader of the Junior Band shall ensure that cleaning of the common touch points e.g. door handles, takes place between the two groups rehearsing.
Players ‘at risk’ should make their own judgement about whether it is safe for them to attend, but there is no specific additional guidance for 70-plus members or those at risk. Members should be aware that attendance is not compulsory to prevent inadvertently pressuring members who, for their own reasons, would be best not attending.
In the case of a space that the band hire, the building management is responsible for ensuring the space is COVID-secure, although this does mean we must follow their requirements that the band agreed to when booking the room.
Checklist of things to bring with you to rehearsal:
Instrument and mouthpiece (the committee recommend regular instrument cleaning, once every 2 weeks minimum). Leave case in your vehicle outside of venue. Mutes will not be used during the current restrictions.
Music Stand
Cloth (and waterproof bag)
Additional Hand sanitiser if desired.
Face covering
Bell coverings
Drink. Players may bring a prepared drink and must take container away with them at end of rehearsal
On arrival in the car park, remove instrument from case. Bring the minimum amount of equipment into the venue.
Senior Band players must not enter the venue until Junior Band leader indicates it is safe to do so. Players must put face covering on before entering and use hand sanitiser at the entrance and then move directly to seat. Face coverings should only be removed just before playing and replaced if leaving seat for any reason.
Do not sign in at the venue entrance. A record will be maintained of who has attended each rehearsal, along with contact details. This is to facilitate test and trace if required. The Band Committee will ensure GDPR rules are applied to keeping data, but information can be passed on for test and trace purposes as safeguarding is exempt from GDPR.
Current guidance is that face masks should be used in all enclosed spaces. Players should wear masks when entering and departing, and whenever they are not actually in their seat. Percussion players should wear a mask or visor throughout rehearsals. The conductor should wear a mask or visor throughout rehearsal. A distance of 2m still needs to be applied for Social Distancing.
Bell covers should always be used. Mutes should not be used.
Music will not be given out in rehearsals except in exceptional circumstances. Ideally, everyone should look after their own music and bring it to the rehearsal. Music may be set out on everyone’s chairs prior to the rehearsal and then have players retain it.
Windows and doors should be open to bring in as much fresh air as possible.
Seats should be laid out in advance with players moving directly to them. Players should set up their own stand, equipment and music.
Each player should bring a towel onto which they should empty the water from their instrument, taking it home to wash.
Toilets should operate on a one in, one out basis. Cleanliness is key. Wash hands and sanitise hands after toilet visit.
It is a good idea to find out who is attending rehearsals in advance and, to minimise risks of contact, not to have people turn up unexpectedly. Permission is required at least one week in advance of a committee member for guest players to attend.
Players must put on their face covering and pack away their own equipment and music as soon as possible and leave the venue following social distancing guidelines.
Cloths used to absorb water from drain keys MUST be put in bag and sealed BEFORE moving from the playing position.
Chairs should be cleaned and packed away by a nominated individual once all players have left, the floor is mopped and common touch points e.g. door handles, light switches are wiped down working towards final exit door.
Attendees asked to not attend if they have any likelihood of having the disease.
If a band member has had a positive COVID-19 test within the last 2 weeks, or if the band member has experienced any of the following symptoms within the last week:
A temperature above 37.8˚C
A dry persistent cough that has developed during the week
A loss of taste or smell (anosmia)
A member of your household has presented any of the above symptoms within the last 2 weeks:
They must not attend band and should seek medical advice either by contacting their GP or calling 111 to seek advice.
If a member of the band becomes unwell during rehearsal, they should leave the rehearsal area immediately and wait outdoors for transport or make their own way home and seek a test for COVID-19.
If a member of the band displays an elevated temperature or other COVID-19 symptoms following a rehearsal, they should contact a member of the ETB Committee and seek medical advice as described above. Details of those in attendance of rehearsal should be communicated when required to track and trace and their advice on isolation requirements followed.
Returning to Band Rehearsal
All band members will follow the COVID-secure guidelines provided by the venue.
All activity must have a risk assessment in place to ensure COVID-secure guidelines are followed. Copies can be sent to you on request. Key information from the Risk Assessment is included in this note.
It is best practice not to mix groups of players between different bands if this is feasible but there is no legislation preventing a member playing with another group. Spaces should be sufficiently ventilated, and leader of the Junior Band shall ensure that cleaning of the common touch points e.g. door handles, takes place between the two groups rehearsing.
Players ‘at risk’ should make their own judgement about whether it is safe for them to attend, but there is no specific additional guidance for 70-plus members or those at risk. Members should be aware that attendance is not compulsory to prevent inadvertently pressuring members who, for their own reasons, would be best not attending.
In the case of a space that the band hire, the building management is responsible for ensuring the space is COVID-secure, although this does mean we must follow their requirements that the band agreed to when booking the room.
Checklist of things to bring with you to rehearsal:
Instrument and mouthpiece (the committee recommend regular instrument cleaning, once every 2 weeks minimum). Leave case in your vehicle outside of venue. Mutes will not be used during the current restrictions.
Music Stand
Cloth (and waterproof bag)
Additional Hand sanitiser if desired.
Face covering
Bell coverings
Drink. Players may bring a prepared drink and must take container away with them at end of rehearsal
On arrival in the car park, remove instrument from case. Bring the minimum amount of equipment into the venue.
Senior Band players must not enter the venue until Junior Band leader indicates it is safe to do so. Players must put face covering on before entering and use hand sanitiser at the entrance and then move directly to seat. Face coverings should only be removed just before playing and replaced if leaving seat for any reason.
Do not sign in at the venue entrance. A record will be maintained of who has attended each rehearsal, along with contact details. This is to facilitate test and trace if required. The Band Committee will ensure GDPR rules are applied to keeping data, but information can be passed on for test and trace purposes as safeguarding is exempt from GDPR.
Current guidance is that face masks should be used in all enclosed spaces. Players should wear masks when entering and departing, and whenever they are not actually in their seat. Percussion players should wear a mask or visor throughout rehearsals. The conductor should wear a mask or visor throughout rehearsal. A distance of 2m still needs to be applied for Social Distancing.
Bell covers should always be used. Mutes should not be used.
Music will not be given out in rehearsals except in exceptional circumstances. Ideally, everyone should look after their own music and bring it to the rehearsal. Music may be set out on everyone’s chairs prior to the rehearsal and then have players retain it.
Windows and doors should be open to bring in as much fresh air as possible.
Seats should be laid out in advance with players moving directly to them. Players should set up their own stand, equipment and music.
Each player should bring a towel onto which they should empty the water from their instrument, taking it home to wash.
Toilets should operate on a one in, one out basis. Cleanliness is key. Wash hands and sanitise hands after toilet visit.
It is a good idea to find out who is attending rehearsals in advance and, to minimise risks of contact, not to have people turn up unexpectedly. Permission is required at least one week in advance of a committee member for guest players to attend.
Players must put on their face covering and pack away their own equipment and music as soon as possible and leave the venue following social distancing guidelines.
Cloths used to absorb water from drain keys MUST be put in bag and sealed BEFORE moving from the playing position.
Chairs should be cleaned and packed away by a nominated individual once all players have left, the floor is mopped and common touch points e.g. door handles, light switches are wiped down working towards final exit door.
Attendees asked to not attend if they have any likelihood of having the disease.
If a band member has had a positive COVID-19 test within the last 2 weeks, or if the band member has experienced any of the following symptoms within the last week:
A temperature above 37.8˚C
A dry persistent cough that has developed during the week
A loss of taste or smell (anosmia)
A member of your household has presented any of the above symptoms within the last 2 weeks:
They must not attend band and should seek medical advice either by contacting their GP or calling 111 to seek advice.
If a member of the band becomes unwell during rehearsal, they should leave the rehearsal area immediately and wait outdoors for transport or make their own way home and seek a test for COVID-19.
If a member of the band displays an elevated temperature or other COVID-19 symptoms following a rehearsal, they should contact a member of the ETB Committee and seek medical advice as described above. Details of those in attendance of rehearsal should be communicated when required to track and trace and their advice on isolation requirements followed.